Bob Fox, Author at Professional Carwashing & Detailing - Page 6 of 7
Music to my Ears

Every carwash is different.

Sonny's CarWash College
Mad World

Is it tough to find good help these days? Of course.

Sonny's CarWash College
Keeping it Simple Because I’m Pretty Stupid

Keeping it simple doesn’t just apply to equipment design, it also applies to troubleshooting when something goes wrong.

Sonny's CarWash College
Don’t Worry About the Horse Being Blind, Just Load the Wagon

How does this relate to car washing? I hope to show you.

Sonny's CarWash College
Working Order?

Things don’t always work in the order you want them to.

Sonny's CarWash College

Chemicals, trash cans, oranges and other random thoughts.

Sonny's CarWash College
Growing Pains

Getting through the growing pains of business.

Sonny's CarWash College
Ask the Coach

It’s football season. If Vince Lombardi was still around, I’d like to sit down with him and ask him some questions.

Sonny's CarWash College
How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Remember, all work and no play make for a boring existence.

Sonny's CarWash College
How Many Smoots in a Mile?

Working in Sonny’s Business Development department, I spend a lot of time on Google Earth looking at potential car wash sites for customers.

Sonny's CarWash College
Party’s Over — Now Get to Work!

Whew! That was fun! The ICA show, I mean. And by “fun” I mean, man, I'm glad that's over for another year.

Sonny's CarWash College
A Fresh Start – Again

Spring has sprung! At least I hope it has for you by this point. We had a brutal winter down here in South Florida as well and it went on for what seemed like forever… at LEAST 36 hours!

Sonny's CarWash College