Rich DiPaolo, Author at Professional Carwashing & Detailing - Page 29 of 32
How to retain loyal customers for your new carwash

Creating a new loyal customer base should be a top priority in the first few critical years.

Customer loyalty, customer service, customer retention, customer satisfaction, retaining customers, customer base, customer support
How LEDs can boost appearance and profits for carwashes

Improvements in LED technology can help carwashes improve their sites’ lighting and, possibly, their bottom lines.

LEDs, LED technology, lighting, investment, good idea, innovation
Technology’s impact on carwashing

Discover how the latest technology can enhance carwash operations.

technology, Web, Internet, mobile, computer, online
PC&D rings in the new year with a fresh new look

Our appearance has changed but our focus stays the same.

PC&D magazine logo
How modern carwash signage attracts and informs customers

Site signage has seen its share of upgrades and improvements over the past decade.

Signage, carwash, full-service, LED lighting
Carwash technology on the rise

Some of today’s general innovations catching carwash professionals’ attention.

Innovation, technology
Make more money through cost savings

Efficient operations can lead to bottom line improvements.

Piggy bank, money-management
How to keep quality employees

High-performing employees are golden.

employees, management
Online reviews’ buying influence on today’s customers

Consumer feedback positively, or negatively, impacts your bottom line.

social networking
Carwash industry gathers at NRCC 2015

A ‘bigger, better’ event benefited all.

event, trade show, convention
Maximizing your time at NRCC 2015

Planning makes for perfect trade show attendance.

time, calendar, calendar dates, days, event, planning to attend, planner, event schedule, time
Reduce risk and claims with proper insurance know-how

Carwash owners can combat liability with knowledge and wise coverage decisions.

Safety management