Magazine Archives - Page 56 of 59 - Professional Carwashing & Detailing
Security technology to protect against carwash theft

While some carwashes overlook it, the right security system should be an integral part of any wash business.

The story of Brian Campbell: ‘The carwash industry’s No. 1 fan’

The carwash industry has formed a strong, unique bond with Brian Campbell, who learned to read from the pages of Professional Carwashing & Detailing.

Jenny V Photography/Ronnie and Jenny Thomas
The lure of vacuums

Although your customers may not use vacuums each time they visit, that option keeps them coming back.

Inspection cameras: The challenge and the solution

Verify customer damage claims with monitoring on both ends of the carwash bay.

Security camera, surveillance, robbery, crime
Find success with mobile marketing

Utilize mobile technology to build customer loyalty.

Cloud computing
Water needs 101

With many washes being charged for water twice, once for water use, and once for sewer discharge, it’s vital that owners save this precious resource in every reasonable way possible that doesn’t take away from the quality of the carwash.

A closer look
Spring fever: Bug and pollen removal

They may be pests in the great outdoors, but bugs keep carwash profits strong.

Spring, bugs, lovebugs, springtime, bug removal
Put your competition on ice

Smart technology and marketing can make ice vending a steady profit center for your wash.

ice cubes, ice vending
Going green: Save electricity, water and money

Reach more customers with an environmental focus.

Water conservation, recycle
New innovations in exterior express detailing

Every service is not right for an express detail package. How do you decide whether to offer these packages?

Making it new again

Is pre-owned, refurbished equipment right for your wash?

Greasing the wheels

Quick lubes can provide an additional income stream for your wash, but some things should be taken into consideration.

Quick lube, oil change, changing oil, mechanic, car service, services, multi-profit centers