supplies Archives - Page 10 of 23 - Professional Carwashing & Detailing
Associations help the industry advance

Environmental programs like WaterSavers help carwashes adapt to a changing world.

Kirkland Analytics announces new brand identity

SPOKANE, Wash. — The company helps businesses save water and money.

Best tips on providing a perfect finishing touch

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Detailing veteran offers leading practices in our upcoming June issue.

To wax by hand or machine?

Know the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Rail dust, wax
Customers get clean cars with one cup of water

REDWOOD CITY, Calif. — Workers clean vehicles with a non-toxic chemical that is sprayed on the vehicle and wiped off.

Elderly customers part of demographic shift for Japanese c-stores

TOKYO — Operators are moving away from cheap products in favor of higher quality, safe items.

Autobell earns water quality award

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — All of the company’s locations treat 100 percent of wash water, and they recycle 80 to 100 percent.

Wash to voluntarily close on ‘Water Conservation Wednesdays’

SAN FRANCISCO — The business expects to save about 7,500 gallons of water each week.

University receives Walmart on Campus c-store

RICHMOND, Va. — The location is the fifth store in the country.

Local support helps family carwash reopen

NOTTINGHAM, England — S.A.S. has rebranded itself as the area’s first eco-friendly hand carwash.

C-store receives 100th LEED certification

WEST DES MOINES, Iowa — The company uses 20 percent less water and 30 percent less energy than similar-sized facilities.

Region cracks down on carwash fundraisers

SAINT ALBANS, W.V. — The city will construct an environmentally friendly carwash for charitable events.