Mark VII Archives - Professional Carwashing & Detailing
Wash Talk Ep. 193: Water reclaim with Chris Armena

From cost savings to environmental sustainability, Armena sheds light on why water reclaim is becoming an increasingly essential component of modern carwash businesses.

Wash Talk Ep. 193: Water reclaim with Chris Armena
Young to the industry: How to grow a carwash

Ryan Zuercher and Matthew Lapolice of Mark VII give insights on their careers in the carwash industry.

Mark VII factory highlights

Mark VII produces all of its equipment in the U.S. at a factory in Arvada, Colorado.

Mark VII customer testimonial

A loyal Mark VII customer explains what sets the carwash equipment company apart from the competition.

Chasing the dream, not the competition

Thirty-three-year-old Brandon Burk boosts his career by trying to not focus on the competition.

Carwash Connection: Controller functions

This episode discusses what functions and benefits modern carwash controllers offer today’s operators.

Carwash connection: Intro to controllers

This video covers what innovations modern carwash controllers offer owners and operators.

The carwash business gets in your blood

Mark VII’s Larry McCarty shares sales success tips.

Chemical aftercare with Mark VII

Learn about Mark VII Equipment’s chemical aftercare and service plans.

The difference between a leader and a boss

Meet Luke Schoenbeck, Mark VII’s new vice president of sales.

Water efficiency

Maximizing water efficiency and lowering operating costs using modern carwash technology.

5 long-lasting benefits of carwashing

Regular carwashes create more value than just having a clean, dry and shiny car.